Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My 'Garden'

So, I have not been successful in growing anything - but this year my thumb has become green!  I am so excited - even though my garden consists of a few pots and planters - I find it amazing.  Maybe it is my new medication!!! 

I am not an outdoor kind of person, I don't tolerate the heat very well.  But this year I have been overcome with the need to grow things.  I have some herbs...several types of basil, some rosemary, parsley, chives, oregano, thyme, cilantro, and lavendar.  I have enjoyed cooking with the herbs already.  I have to tell you Deck Gardening is for me~~~you can plow the field and plants seeds.  I do also have several planters which I have planted different plants, just because they looked pretty together, as well as some flowers for the benefit of the humming birds, bees, and butterflies.

It is a pleasure to sit on the deck and take in the aromas of the herbs and the sight of all the beautiful floral colors and the plants.  

On the front porch are two large beautiful hanging fern - they have really grown thick.  The planters in front of the porch have petunias planted around the perimeter of the mums which returned from last years planting.  Stuff is growing everywhere.  It is so exciting.  And this week Mother Nature has helped with the watering!  Enjoy the photos.


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